I check it when I'm with clients. I'm not Kardashian obnoxious about. Luckily I do some of my work behind a laptop so I can take a quick peep down at my phone to see if any new emails have come in. I check it in the car. Gasp! Who could resist? I check it first thing in the morning. I refresh all day long. Then I check real quick before I go to bed.
Once in a glorious blue moon I actually get an email. And that is enough to make my day. Or night. I don't even have to open the email. Just seeing the (1) next to the inbox is enough. It's too new an email address to receive spam yet so every (1) means something related to our adoption.
So today at 3:30 am when I couldn't sleep, I gave up trying and came in here to work and then got sidetracked looking in my inbox. (Yes, I am the person they are writing about in articles detailing the do's and don'ts of being productive.) I decided to try emailing the attorney we would like to work with. I've emailed her a few times in the past with no luck. She comes highly recommended and is very busy. So I've been waiting.
I sent her a quick email and then went to Facebook. Ha. Yep, right next to my home computer is my work laptop. The laptop is screaming at me to finish the work I need to do before going into work this morning. But Facebook is so much more fun.
After FBing for a while...did you know there aren't that many people on FB at 3:00 am? Anyway, after FBing but before going to 'work' I decided to check my email real quick. Pay dirt. Ten minutes after I sent the email off to the attorney, we struck gold and her assistant sent a response back.
I now have a better To Do list than the one that says "Finish work project by the time the work day starts." I printed her To Do list for a little later I am now going to finish my work project content that something very exciting happened already today.
Right after I finish blogging about it...........
Update: It's 6:49 am and I have 11 minutes until I wake our son up and we start getting ready for the day. I FINISHED my work, packed up my computer and it's sitting by the front door ready to go. I'm ready for the day and I won't miss those 4 hours of sleep.....much!