Thursday, September 1, 2011

Puzzle Update

We are excited by the response to our first adoption fundraiser...the Puzzle Project. We wanted to share the amazing news that so far, we've raised.....


We've had a few families lovingly support us by donating a piece for every member of their stinkin cute!  Thank you to those of you who did. We are so appreciative.

So we still have well over 600 pieces left for claiming! Hurry and purchase your piece(s) so you can make sure you're part of this adorable treasure that will go in our son's room when it's finished.

We are going to be filing our I600A form this week and your donations helped us achieve the necessary funds, plus some, in order to do that. The I600A form is completed before an orphan is located or has been identified for an adoption. This form must be completed as it is the United States government reviewing fingerprints, home study, birth certificates, etc. and either approving or denying of our right to adopt internationally. The form and the necessary fingerprinting for each of us will cost $890.00!

So, again, we want to THANK everybody who made it possible to file the I600A without us having to go into debt to do it. We love you all.

The next major hurdle is going to be our adoption attorney in Uganda. We will need to be prepared to pay her just about $5000.00. (Gulp) This next step is coming up ridiculously fast. I'm a little nervous about it because it's so much money and I'm not sure how all that is going to appear in our laps. We believe God put the desire to adopt in our hearts and that he will find a way for it to happen if we'll just show some faith.

If you would like to be part of this cute project and support our family in the adoption, please click on the Pay Pal button to the right side. If you would like to write a check instead of Pay Pal, I'm all for making it easier on you. Email address for instructions!

Lastly, if you know anyone who has a heart for orphans and would like to help bring our family together, please feel free to share our story and our blog.