We have had a few comments from some of our friends and family about their reservations in using Pay Pal to gift our family with a donation for the adoption fund. While I am 100% secure in Pay Pal's ability to keep all transactions safe, I understand some people's uneasiness with a process they've never used.
I was speaking with my banker at Chase about my accounts and mentioned this challenge. He told me there is a very easy way to send money with Chase Person to Person Quick Pay. I have added a button on the side bar.
It is very simple to use and you can send money with this service even if you don't have a Chase bank account. You will need to create an identity and password. Then you'll enter our email address which is jeffreyfamilyblessingsatyahoodotcom (for spam reasons, people don't usually put actual email addresses on their blogs and websites, so use @ and . where appropriate or that dog won't hunt)
Once you enter my email address and follow the prompts, Chase will send me a notification that you would like to send money, I accept, and you'll be sent a form to fill out your routing number and the amount you'd like sent. Again, you do not need to have a Chase bank account!
That's it. Very simple AND Chase does not charge for this service unlike Pay Pal so 100% of your donation will go the adoption fund.
One last thing, some people just roll old school and want to send a check in the mail. Send me an email at the above address and I will happily send you our address.
With the adoption process moving along and our timeline inching closer to a referral and travel to Uganda, we are humbled by the outpouring of support and prayers for our family and this yet unknown little boy. Thank you to each and every one of you.