Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Paper Trail

Today was a momentous day! I finally had the energy and the courage to face the mound of paperwork that needed to be done for I600a and for our lawyer.

The I600a goes to the United States Citizen And Immigration Service and is part of the process to certify that we are cleared (again) to bring a child from another country into the US. It is the form one fills out when a specific child has not yet been identified.

We will send that in tomorrow along with our hefty check of $890.  Once USCIS receives the paperwork and verifies that I haven't royally screwed anything up on the application, they will contact us with the exact day and time we are to have our fingerprints done (again). I am a bit nervous about this because I believe USCIS sets the appointment day and time....I'm not sure what happens to our regularly scheduled lives if we are not available at the appointment time. I'll leave this in the hands of the universe....
On the flip side, I believe the USCIS office we'll be directed to is very close to where we 10 minutes away! I have heard of families who had to drive 6 hours! Ugh!

We need ONE MORE piece of documentation until I can send the paperwork to Uganda for our lawyer. We still need Todd's employment verification and we're all set. We hope that comes in this week and we can send the whole package to Uganda. Before we can do that, I will need to take that entire stack of paperwork, plus another 5 copies of our home study to the bank so that they can notarize everything as true copies. God bless Chase Bank...they will notarize for free for all their clients! Our banker did tell us to make an appointment if we were going to need 'a lot' of notarizing. Hmmm? Does that look like 'a lot'?

No money is required (I think!) for our lawyer to get started. She has stated she works on trust. Yay, because I have lots of it and I am trusting that this next phase goes smoothly so that we can then concentrate on finding our son.

Again, thank you to everybody who has prayed for our family and sent support so that we may continue on our path towards our adoption.