I have been writing this blog for a few months now but because we have been preparing ourselves and our families for this big step, we have not put it out there to the world until now. We wanted to tell our families in our own time. We needed time to weigh the consequences thoroughly and see it from all angles. We have prayed a lot, cried a lot, and yes, we have even argued. We have seen the kids get excited. We have quit and few times and then restarted.
And now today we tell the world. We are adopting. Officially.
Not really. Y'all are sleeping! I'm the only one up! I'm telling no one really, right now.
Tomorrow you'll find out.
And when you do, make sure you become a follower. Stay informed during our journey. Support us with your prayers, encourage us with your comments, let us know you're there!
We love you all and appreciate you.
Amy and Todd