I fretted over Pay Pal and how to get it set up for the adoption fundraising because I remembered setting Pay Pal up for my business and I thought it took eons. But as I logged onto Pay Pal's website last night, the hardest part was finding the button for 'fundraising' and the rest truly was a breeze.
You can choose to either instantly verify your account information if you trust Pay Pal enough to give them your bank's log in information or it will take a few days for them to verify the account if you don't want to give them that information. I probably didn't give up my account log in information to Pay Pal last time. However, I have had a business account with them for 3 years now and if they wanted to steal from me, they would've already done it. I have never had a problem with them and feel very confident with their security now.
Putting the Pay Pal button on the blog was equally easy. They give you the 'code' and you you just copy and past it to your Gadgets on the blog where you want it to go. I tested it, of course. I did need to verify the email before the money could go thru. And, as always, remember, Pay Pal wants their cut. They're not Candy Stripers - they're a business allowing you to reach more people faster and for that they will get a percentage of every sale, donation, and transaction.
Once the transaction was complete, I withdrew the money I donated to ourselves into the account I've dedicated for the adoption. It will take 3-5 days for the process. My takes about 3 days to clear. Pay Pal is instantly friendly in the "You've got money!" department. So when you get a donation, you will know instantly; you will not need to log in into you account to find out.
So, cool, it's working and that didn't take long or cause a headache. Yay !